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María Inés Pastorino
Sebastián Gutiérrez
Juan C. H. Jiménez Santillán


The goal of this paper is to continue with the task of establishing new base stations in the northwestern portion of the Republic of Argentina, building on those already existing in the Argentinean Gravimetric Network and the densification of gravimet- ric observations in zones which have none. 

The new base stations are in response to the need to afterwards connect our network with the Chilean Network in the north of both countries: Paso de San Fran- cisco and Paso de Jama. It is also being done to conduct surveys connected to the base stations for prospection studies in the northwestern portion of the Andes mountain range, between the aforementioned countries. 

The task was divided into two stages. In the first, the value of the gravimetric station located at the San Francisco Church (Excenter of Absolute Gravimetry, refer to Monograph 1) was transferred to Node 219 (refer to Monograph 2), of the Na- tional Leveling Network located in Perico, Jujuy. In the second stage the value established in the Node was transferred to the Susques, Jujuy community on the monument recently implemented by the National Geographic Institute (IGN in Span- ish, refer to Monography). Two additional stations were left as intermediate points with the same precision (refer to Monographies); one at the crossroad of national routes Ex40 and 52 and the other at the astronomical point of YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales) in Susques. 

During the campaign, measurements were taken with two Lacoste-Romberg gra- vimeters (models G-13 and G-57) and a GPS Garmin ETREX satellite positioner. 


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How to Cite
Pastorino, M. I., Gutiérrez, S., & Jiménez Santillán, J. C. H. (2019). Extensión de la red gravimétrica en el noroeste argentino. Revista Geofísica, (63). Retrieved from
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