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Paulina Guerrón
Edison Bravo
Rafael Delgado


The Military Geographic Institute (igm) as part of its institutional mission has the
management and execution of the generation and control of Geoinformation
for Security, Defense, Support to National Development and Risk Management.
The objective of this article is to demonstrate the performance and social impact
of the processes and technical capacities of the igm in decision making in the
earthquake of April 2016 (in the Ecuadorian coast), through a strategic work that
allowed to determine the degree of impact of the earthquake, by means of aerial
platforms equipped with LIDAR sensors and aerial photogrammetric cameras, to
generate cartography and geographic studies of rapid response (scale 1:5.000) in
support of the elaboration of aid and response plans of public entities and Private
All the information allowed to determine and analyze, through a statistical
calculation the number of buildings destroyed and affected and through a spatial
analysis allowed the establishment of suitable sectors for the implantation of
temporary housing (shelters) of the urban areas and towns most affected of
the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas, for the support to the civil planning
and military conduction. The cartography elaborated served for planning and
reconstruction of affected areas; support the location of emerging shelters and
suggest relocation of villages. All the generated geoinformation was placed
opportunely in the institutional geoportal, so that the users have access to official
information and prompt response.


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How to Cite
Guerrón, P., Bravo, E., & Delgado, R. (2019). Producción de cartografía y estudios geográficos de pronta respuesta, para atender la emergencia generada por el terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016 en Ecuador. Revista Geofísica, (67), 25–39. Retrieved from
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